User Interface Design Projects


Suggest is a community for women in midlife, sharing meaningful content on style, beauty, home, family, wellness, money, and culture. We believe that age is power and exist to challenge the stigmas against women as they age.


From local help and expert advice to the latest news and tools, Seasons connects caregivers to the resources they need—providing direction, support and optimism during a transitional time of life.

A full project description is coming soon, in the meantime please explore the live site.


Lexicon is a legal services and technology provider with deep expertise in the legal industry. We provide a world-class practice management software suite, enabling attorneys to maximize productive use of their time when working cases. With expertise in marketing for law firms, revenue optimization, billing and collections, support services, and more, Lexicon is your trusted partner for all legal practice needs.


I designed a desktop landing page for Button's website. 


I created interface designs for SmartTemp's new food thermometer. 

Shades of Ebony

I updated the interface of the University of Notre Dame's Shades of Ebony student club website.